District 22 MLK Jr. Day of Service 
Thank you for your interest in our Day of Service, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day! This event is hosted by State Delegates Alonzo T. Washington, Anne Healey, and Nicole Williams, with support from Central Kenilworth Ave Revitalization (CKAR), CareFirst BlueCross, Latin Youth Action Council, Councilmember Eric Olson, and the Alpha Kappa Alpha PEO Chapter.

Upon arrival at the event, you will be able to receive information from various county agencies and community organizations, as well as receive a free warm meal from a local restaurant. Please fill out the information below to let us know you are coming. Supplies are limited and are available on a first come first served basis. 

Al llegar al evento, podrá recibir información de varias agencias del condado y organizaciones comunitarias, así como recibir una comida caliente gratis de un restaurante local. Complete la información a continuación para informarnos que vendrá. Los suministros son limitados y están disponibles por orden de llegada.

MLK Jr Day of Service
Monday, January 16th
Seabrook SDA Church
8900 Good Luck Rd, Lanham

Want to volunteer, or have questions? Call 301-455-2536 or email sam@alonzowashington.com.
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