What you're agreeing to by subscribing to our veg:
* I understand that I am subscribing to Teign Green's veg for a full year from the date of my first veg box. I commit to pay either by a one off annual fee or a monthly payment through a standing order.
* If I need to leave before the end of my commitment for unforeseen reasons, I commit to give a minimum of 2 months notice to help Teign Greens find someone new.
* I understand that although the farmers at Teign Greens will do their best to supply consistent quantities and varieties of vegetables, the quantity and variety is weather dependent.
* I understand that my share of vegetables will be picked every week, except between Christmas and New Year, where Teign Greens will provide a double quantity box the week before.
* If I'm away, I understand am entitled to gift my share to a friend to pick up in my place, or the Teign Valley Larder.
* I commit to returning the jute bags for reuse each week.