Teign Greens Annual Veg Subscription Sign up Form
Thanks so much for deciding to share the year with us!

By pledging to eat our veg over the next 12 months, you are ensuring more of your meals are produced in harmony with nature, helping support a not for profit community enterprise, and enabling the Teign Greens growers to plan ahead so they can offer great quality as well as good value vegetables.

As a subscriber, you are welcome to come to the farm in Ashton as often, or as occasionally, as you like to chat to the growers and to see how your crops develop over the season. Every Tuesday we have a volunteer day from 9am-4pm with coffee & sometimes cake at 11am and a shared lunch at 1pm - it's a great opportunity to meet other members and get to know what CSA is all about.

Please fill in the following sign up form below, and we'll be in touch via email to confirm the details of how you'll receive your first box.
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Email *
Are you a new customer *
Your first name *
Your last name *
Contact telephone number *
Your address *
Your postcode *
Your email address *
We'll send our much loved veg update newsletter to this address every Monday before your veg arrives on a Tuesday. If you'd like us to send it to more than one email address, just write them both, separated by a semicolon (;).
How much veg does your household want each week?   *
Subscribe to one of three options: SMALL- 1-2 portions of 5-7 different veg items, ideal for an individual or couple. MEDIUM- 2-3 portions of 6-8 different veg items, ideal for a couple or small family, or LARGE - 3-4 portions of 7-9 different veg items, ideal for a family, or vegaholics!
How would you like to pay? *
If possible, we love upfront payments as this helps us at the beginning of the season when our outgoings are highest. Please let us know if you would like to discuss alternative payment arrangements. We believe good food should be for everyone, so if you're unwaged or on a low income, and you're interested in a reduced price veg subscription, please contact us.
Where would you like to collect your veg from?
When would you like to start?
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We are currently exploring other local drop off points - is there a different community hub where you'd prefer to collect your veg? If so, where?
E.g Trusham, Bridford. If we have 10 customers choose a certain location, we will try to introduce a drop off point there.
How did you hear about us? *
If a friend recommended us to you, what is their name?
This is so we can send them a thank you!
Do you have any questions about your veg subscription?
What you're agreeing to by subscribing to our veg:
* I understand that I am subscribing to Teign Green's veg for a full year from the date of my first veg box. I commit to pay either by a one off annual fee or a monthly payment through a standing order.
* If I need to leave before the end of my commitment for unforeseen reasons, I commit to give a minimum of 2 months notice to help Teign Greens find someone new.
* I understand that although the farmers at Teign Greens will do their best to supply consistent quantities and varieties of vegetables, the quantity and variety is weather dependent.
* I understand that my share of vegetables will be picked every week, except between Christmas and New Year, where Teign Greens will provide a double quantity box the week before.
* If I'm away, I understand am entitled to gift my share to a friend to pick up in my place, or the Teign Valley Larder.
* I commit to returning the jute bags for reuse each week.
I confirm I want to sign up for a year's subscription of Teign Greens Veg: *
Signed (please write your name below):
Would you like to kept informed of news, events, workshops, and other information about the farm via our newsletter emails? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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