Wild Roots Application
Thank you for your interest in Wild Roots Forest School program in Santa Barbara / Goleta!  

Application is open for rolling enrollment when space is available in Mixed Age Preschool program and Kindergarten programs!  

We will contact you by email to confirm receipt of your application.

The non-refundable application fee ($25) is due to attend an info session, interview, or visit.  
Please send $25 by PayPal to wildroots.sb@gmail.com, or mail a check made out to Wild Roots, 6249 Momouth Ave, Goleta, CA 93117.

Wild Roots does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, or national origin in its admission policy or conduct of its educational programs.

Contact with questions: registrar.wildroots@gmail.com
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Which program year are you interested in for your child? *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Birthdate *
Child's Gender *
Ethnicity (optional)
Program Interest (Mixed age preschool 2yr 6m - 5 yr / Kinder 5yr -  6yr) *
Parent / Guardian First Name *
Parent / Guardian Last Name *
Your Email Address *
Repeat Your Email address, so we're sure to have it right *
Your Daytime Phone Number *
Full Address (street, city, state, zip) *
Occupation / Employer *
Two-parent families:  Please fill out the second parent/guardian information below.
2nd Parent / Guardian First Name
2nd Parent / Guardian Last Name
2nd Parent / Guardian Email
2nd Parent / Guardian Phone Number
Occupation / Employer
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