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Organizational Support for September Days of Action
This form is for organizations only.
If you are an individual who wants to support, please email with your contact information and the city you are based in and how you can support.
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I am a representative of an organization and I'm authorized to sign this letter on my organization's behalf
Organization Name
Your answer
How will you support the September 2024 Day of Actions?
List us an endorser on the website and other communication materials
We will organize a contingent of our members / staff at a local action
We can put up posters and distribute flyers for a local action
We want to coordinate or help organize a local action and want more information
We can offer resources for local actions (money, office space, printing, etc)
We will share over social media and on email lists
Please add any other details or questions you have about joining the fight for immigrant justice and against racism and division
Your answer
Where is your organization based?
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia // Nouvelle-Écosse
Prince Edward Island
Quebec // Québec
Your answer
Postal Code
Your answer
Your name [will not be shared publicly]
Your answer
Your email [will not be shared publicly]
Your answer
Your phone number [will not be shared publicly]
Your answer
Your role in your organization [will not be shared publicly]
Your answer
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This form was created inside of Migrant Workers Alliance for Change.
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