Webinar Evaluation Survey: How You Can Address Mileage Fee Concerns: Evidence from Three Studies
Thank you for taking a moment to tell us what you thought of this webinar organized by the National Center for Sustainable Transportation

March 20th, 2024

This survey is completely anonymous. It will only be used to help improve future webinars.
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Please rate the following statements in regard to the presentation by Dr. Greg Rowangould and Clare Nelson:
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
The presentation was a good length.
I increased my knowledge on this topic.
Information presented was useful and relevant to transportation decisions, policies, and/or issues.
The speaker was engaging and explained concepts clearly.
The guest respondent(s) provided valuable insight on this topic, if applicable.
Attending the webinar was a valuable use of my time.
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What was a highlight of the webinar?
What are research and/or knowledge gaps on this topic that future research should address?
What is something we can do to improve future webinars?
How did you hear about this webinar?
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Please provide any other feedback about the webinar.
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