SFYC RS21 Reservation Request Form for Open Sailing Charters
Please use this form to request a boat reservation for an Open Sail Charter.  Your request must be reviewed before it is approved.  CONFIRMATION OF CHARTER WILL BE SENT TO YOU BY EMAIL.  
(Please note: Sailors may have a maximum of 3 confirmed reservations at any one time.)

Liability Waivers must be signed by all skippers and crew prior to sailing for the first time each calendar year
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SFYC Member # *
Phone Number *
Name *
Open Sailing for CERTIFIED SKIPPERS- Available Wednesday through Sunday. Tell us when you'd like to go sailing!  - $110 per boat. Take an RS21 out for a fun and casual sail with friends and family aboard. Come get to know the boats and have fun!
What date would you like to go sailing? (you will receive an email from the SFYC Fleet Manager confirming your reservation)
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