Project: Experiences of Immigrant Women and Girls in the Sexual and Reproductive Health Curriculums of Canada
What is it?
The Canadian Advisory of Women Immigrants (CAWI), is conducting a community research project to find out more about the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) curriculums taught in schools across Canada. The proposed research project on the experiences of immigrant women and girls in the sexual health education curriculums in Canada seeks to understand (1) the barriers and gaps faced by the given population, (2) their unique experiences in educational settings and how they intersect with their immigrant identity, (3) how the curriculums have impacted minority populations like immigrants. The goal of the current research project is to understand the unique experiences of immigrant women and girls in order to create more inclusive sexual and reproductive health education resources.
After the completion of the current proposed project, our organization will utilize the research findings to generate an inclusive sexual and reproductive health resource, which will then be supplied to organizations working with immigrant populations. Before supplying the curriculum, we will invite the participants of the focus group discussions to a voluntary meeting to approve and review the final curriculum. This meeting will be voluntary, and you will not be compensated for it. The voluntary meeting’s audio will be recorded and the same privacy rules apply from the focus group discussion meeting.
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for individuals who identify as first generation immigrants (see definition below) and have received some form of sexual and reproductive health education in an educational institute (middle school, high school, university, college) in Canada. We prioritize applications from visible minorities, sexual/gender minorities, racialized communities and women identifying folks.
First generation immigrant: The first generation refers to those who are born outside of Canada and migrated to Canada later.
What is expected of me?
You will be expected to attend ONE focus group discussion (1.5-2 hours approx.) with 4 other individuals online via ZOOM. You will be expected to take part in discussions on sexual and reproductive health curriculums in educational institutes and the potential barriers and gaps for immigrant women and girls. You will also have the opportunity to attend a voluntary meeting after the project has been completed in order to review and approve the resources that come out of the current project.
Will I be compensated?
You will be given a $20 honorarium for your time and work during the focus group discussion.
Your names will be kept confidential when quoting you in our final research report and the data will kept by the CAWI team securely.
For any questions or concerns, please reach out to