Longevity Global Substack Writer
Longevity Global is looking for writers for our Substack. We are paying on a per-article basis ($200) for writers with expertise in longevity-related topics. We are looking for phd-level contributors or those currently pursuing a relevant phd. Please refer to this list for topics. We aim to publish one article a week and have a variety of authors. You can apply by filling out this short form
Email *
Full name *
Are you a member of Longevity Global (https://longevitygl.org/)?  *
If so, how long have you been a member?
Do you have scientific experience? If so, please describe in a sentence or two. *
URL to LinkedIn or Online CV *
URL to something that you have written, preferably a blog style post or article but it could be anything.

What topic would you like to write about for the Longevity Global Substack? We are specifically looking for writing on the topics from this list. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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