Send your question for the experts
We will share all these questions with the experts. The most interesting ones will be answered during the session

- How the COVID pandemic can accelerate progress towards SDGs-Eeva Furman, SYKE
- The potential for social movements and collective action Christos Zografos, University Pompeu Fabra
- Could COVID move the dial forward on addressing inequalities? Mauricio Barreto, Maurício L. Barreto, MD, PhD, Emeritus Professor, Federal University of Bahia, and Senior Investigator at FIOCRUZ. Director of the Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (Cidacs), Fiocruz FIO Cruz, Brazil

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- ISGlobal: C / Rosselló, 132, 5º 2ª 08036. Barcelona
- REDS: Autonomous University of Madrid, Plaza Mayor (Ecocampus Office) 28049 Madrid
- Iberdrola, S.A .: Plaza Euskadi 5, 48009 Bilbao (Bizkaia) Iberdrola, S.A. has appointed a data protection officer to whom you can contact for any queries regarding this privacy notice by sending your query to

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