One and Only Ivan Series Book Club
Is your kid a fan of the One and Only Ivan Series (or do they want to read the books?)? Bring them by the library to talk about the books, play trivia, and for related activities.  Kids should come to the meetings having already read the book.

NOTE:   Let Ms. Kris know if you need to borrow a copy through the Library and we'll place a hold. Email:

All meetings are at 3:30pm and last about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

One and Only Ivan:  make up date Jan. 30th 
One and Only Bob:  February 13th
One and Only Ruby:  March 13th
One and Only Family:  April 10th

Best for Grades 3-5 but 2nd graders welcome as well.

Please note we sometimes take photos during our programs to promote our activities on the Library's social media accounts.  If you prefer your tween not being in these photos, please let us know. Thank you.

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Parent/Guardian's Phone # *
Parent/Guardian's Name *
Club Member's Name 
Food Allergies? We often have snacks at our after school clubs - please let us know if we should be mindful of any allergies or food intolerances. *
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