Evaluation of Today's Event
Please help us to improve our events. Your answers will be recorded anonymously. We will not receive any information on who filled the form. Be aware though, that Google does whatever Google want's to do.

The questions are sorted by importance for us. If you're bored, just skip the ones you don't want to answer, but please don't forget to send your answers after the last screen.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
GFL - General Feeling *
How do you feel about today's event in general?
I am very disappointed.
I'm very glad I attended.
USE - Usefulness *
Will the results of today's event help you with your current projects?
Not at all
Very much
PRG - Project Progress *
What is the general feeling about the progress of your current projects?
Big trouble
Great success
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