Stoneleigh Library Community Room Hire - Initial Enquiry Form
Information for Hirers
The community room is available for hire daily from 07.00 - 21.30 (latest).  The building MUST be vacated by 22.00.
The maximum capacity of the room is 12 plus instructors.
The room hire charge is £8 an hour, including Public Liability Insurance (PLI).  This reduces to £7 an hour if you have your own PLI.
A £10 refundable deposit (cash only) is required for a key fob if using the room outside library opening hours.
The following facilities are available to hirers:
Toilet with disabled facilities
Kitchen with tea and coffee making provisions
White Board
Projector screen
Flip chart
Large screen monitor (extra charge may apply)
There is free on street parking outside the library for up to 2 hours between 8.30 and 18.30 Mon to Sat.  Outside these hours, parking is unrestricted.

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Name of Organisation/Group: *
Full Name: *
Daytime Tel: *
Purpose of Hire: *
Dates and Times Requested (recurring days of the week/month or specific individual dates): *
If you wish to provide your own equipment, please specify
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