To request a donation for your charitable organization, please fill out completely the form below.  Completion of this form does not guarantee you will receive a donation.  In order to accommodate as many organizations as possible, we ask that you submit only one donation request per calendar year.
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Email *
Organizational Eligibility Requirement  - Check all that apply *
Organization Name *
501c3 Number
Tax ID Number *
Address: *
City *
Contact Person *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Please list your Board of Directors *
What is your Organization's mission and goals? *
What is your organizational budget? *
How much money are you requesting? *
What will the funds be used for? *
What is the total budget for the project/event you are seeking funds for? *
How much have you raised so far toward your project budget?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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