Wisconsin Artists 4 Ceasefire 
By completing this form you are adding your name to the following public letter:

This letter will be signed by WI Artists calling for an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Israel and Palestine to stop the humanitarian catastrophe and ensure aid can be provided. This is a local action based on the national movement: artists4ceasefire.org. The situation is dire and action is needed urgently. 

This letter format was created thanks to the work by the Minnesota Artists 4 Ceasefire and Indigenous Solidarity with Palestine.

Link to social media graphic for sharing:


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Full name (as it should be written on the letter) *
What business/org/group are you representing (as it should be written on the letter)? Question not required. 
What type of artist are you? (musician, poet, visual, etc.)
City in Wisconsin you are based out of? *
Do you give permission to include your name on this letter, listing you as a public supporter for a ceasefire.
Thoughts, comments, suggestions for organizers? 
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