Order Form
You will receive an order summary upon completing this form. We will contact you when your order is ready for pick up (first orders will be ready on opening day). Payment is required at pick-up.

If you need to make any changes, please call us (262) 210-7235 or send us an email.
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Are you a new or existing customer?
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Full Name: *
Phone number: *
Preferred contact method *
WREATHS  BASIC FRASER FIR (for Deluxe, skip to next question)
What size  wreath would you like to order? 
How many of the above-sized wreaths would you like to order?
Deluxe wreaths are 24"
Please choose from the following adornments:
How many Deluxe Wreaths would you like to order?
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43" GNOME $70/EA
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BUNDLE OF FIR BOUGHS $7/EA (Please indicate qty)
BUNDLE OF CEDAR BOUGHS $7/EA (Please indicate qty)
BUNDLE OF PINE BOUGHS  $7/EA (Please indicate qty)
BUNDLE OF RED DOGWOOD BOUGHS  $7/EA (Please indicate qty)
BUNDLE OF SPRUCE BOUGHS  $7/EA (Please indicate qty)
Is there anything else that you'd like us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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