yamaju Membership Registration Form



②コワーキングスペース年間パスポート: ¥ 10,000(お一人様、1年間何度でも利用可)

③コワーキングスペース単発チケット: ¥2,000(お一人様、1日有効)

④宿泊者用コワーキングスペース単発チケット: ¥1,000(お一人様、1日有効)




yamaju ©︎風景屋

Dear customers,

This form is yamaju's membership registration. Please kindly read though our services & motto below, and if you agree with them, please fill out the following form. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

When you finish this registration, you will be able to do 4 things as followed;
1. You can make a reservation of our guesthouse and other services.
2. You can purchase an annual passport to use our shared office at ¥10,000 (per person, valid for 1 year, available anytime you want)
3. You can purchase a single ticket to use our shared office as a visitor at ¥2,000 (per person, valid for 1 day)
4. If you were a guest staying at yamaju, you can purchase a single ticket to use our shared office at ¥1,000 (per person, valid for 1 day)

Our motto;
・We respect and cherish the nature of Lake Towada.
・We will be free ourself from the "consumed tourist site" and make this area sustainable with less environment load for the future.
・We will nurture our lives and culture of this area and try to keep them for the next generations.

Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation.
We are looking forward to meeting all of you!

Fuukeiya INC
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yamaju 会員登録の趣旨に同意しますか。Do you agree with the yamaju's membership contents? *
お名前(例:山寿 太郎)Your full name (First name & family name) *
ふりがな(例:やまじゅ たろう)
電話番号(例:090-1234-5678)※連絡のつきやすい番号をご記入ください。Phone number (cellphone is better) *
郵便番号(例:018-5501)Postal Code *
ご住所(例:青森県十和田市奥瀬十和田湖畔休屋486 yamaju)Address *
メールアドレス(例:info@yamaju.jp)E-mail address *
生年月日 ※タブから選択できます。Birth Date (year/month/date) *
性別 Sex *
会社名 ※差し支えなければ教えてください。Your occupation
職種や得意なこと ※yamajuは様々な職能や技術、アイディアをもった方々を繋いで、楽しいイベントや勉強会などを企画していきたいと考えています。賛同いただける方はぜひ教えてください。If you can share what you are good at with us, please kindly let us know here.
yamajuに期待することや、一緒にやってみたいことなどがあれば、自由にご記入ください。If you have anything you expect yamaju or anything you would like to do with us together, please kindly let us know here.
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