Academic Mentoring Program | Mentor Application
Academic Mentoring provides young people in grades 6-12, with priority given to Opportunity Youth and those who attend transformation and alternative schools, with intensive relational and academic support as we continue to grapple with the challenges of teaching and learning presented by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This application is for the role of Academic Mentor. Please note, all new and returning mentors are required to complete this form.

Academic Mentors coach and support the young people they are matched with in service of their mentees' self-identified goals. We believe caring, trusting, culturally responsive relationships are at the core of any potential for growth -- and our collective healing.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. While we will do our best, there is no guarantee that all applicants will be matched. Applicants not matched immediately will remain in the candidate pool until or unless they indicate they are no longer available. Candidates who reflect the cultural, racial, and linguistic diversity of BPS students are encouraged to apply.

For more information, please contact Jermaine Tulloch at
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Correo *
First Name *
Last Name *
BPS ID (required for stipend purposes): *
School Name *
Central Office Department (if applicable)
Role/Job Title: *
Briefly describe why you are interested in becoming a mentor. If you served previously as a BPS Academic Mentor, please indicate that as well. *
I identify as...
Which of these do you have experience with in your personal or professional life? *
Prefer not to share
Homelessness or housing insecurity
Involvement with DCF or other similar agencies
Special Education or Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
Food insecurity or other financial hardships
Learning English as a new language
School attendance challenges
Academic challenges or gaps
I identify as a person of color
I identify as LGBTQ+
Which mentorship areas are you most interested in or experienced with? *
Most Interested/Experienced
Not Interested/Note Experienced
Helping young people achieve their goals
College and Career Exploration
Community Involvement
In which subjects are you able to provide academic support? *
Briefly describe your academic experience (e.g., degrees/certifications, years teaching) as well as your experience with mentoring. Feel free to include a link to a bio, CV, or LinkedIn. *
What languages do you speak fluently?
Anything else you would like to note?
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