Please use this form to share diffs of vandalism or other suspicious edits you encounter when using the social media traffic report.
The WMF Research team is interested in gathering examples of damaging edits made to articles that show up on the social media traffic report. We know that viral social media content (and platform 'fact check' links) sometimes results in damaging edits to articles.
We are asking YOU to help us gather examples of this kind of vandalism. We will use this information to improve the report, and to develop machine learning models that can help us detect coordinated vandalism & disinformation campaigns as they happen.
There is no limit to how many times you can submit a vandalism report. The form is anonymous: we will not log any information about you when you submit a report, and you are not required to provide your username or any other credentials.
If you have questions about this form, email or post your questions to thanks,
Jonathan Morgan, on behalf of the WMF Research team