Outdoors Day Fishing Derby
Thank you for registering for the Outdoors Day fishing derby on Saturday, June 18 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Grove 25, Busse Lake, within the Busse Woods Forest Preserve.

Address to plug into navigation for the preserve entrance: 17 IL-72, Schaumburg, IL 60173

Then, follow signage to Grove 25.

No fishing license is required during Father's Day weekend. All experience levels welcome! This event is BYOG (Bring Your Own Gear). Pack your lucky fishing pole and bait -- prizes will be given for a variety of categories.

Registration is free, and will also include opportunities to meet folks from Arlington Anglers, Brookfield Zoo, Chicago Botanic Garden, Forest Preserves of Cook County, Friends of Cycling in Elk Grove, and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Commissioner Eira Corral Sepúlveda, and Shedd Aquarium.

For questions you can email District15@cookcountyil.gov or call Justin at (773) 485-8006.
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Name (First and Last) - Head of Household *
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How many in your family are attending in-person? *
Angler Name(s) and Age(s) - Please list the age of each fishing derby participant in your group if they'd like to be considered for an age group prize *
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