OASSIS (an OCYM-UK EUR AFR hospitality platform)

Connecting migrating students & working youths to the nearby Malankara orthodox churches/OCYM units

Email *
Migrating youth's full name? *
Contact Number (WhatsApp preferable). Add Country Code too *
Date of birth *
Please select your gender
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Home Parish with place name *
Which region are you coming to? *
Are you coming to study or migrating for work?
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Name of the City or Place of University/Work (eg. Manchester/Varna/Dublin etc.) *
Name of University (& course) or Name of Company (& Job field eg. IT/Nurse/Doctor) *
Expected arrival date to the country
By providing your personal data and consenting to this statement, you consent to the collection, use, and processing of your personal data for Malankara Orthodox Church services for a period of 2 years, in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
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