Reviewer Application Form
This is the application form to be reviewer of Media Konservasi journal.

Media Konservasi offers 50% APC discount for a reviewer each time he/she finished reviewing a manuscript
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Email *
Given name *
ex: James
Family name *
ex: Smith
Clear selection
Affiliation *
ex: IPB University, Indonesia
Country of origin *
It could be based on your affiliation or your homeland
Google Scholar profile link *
Short biography
This is not required. But you can add some sentences to describe you, your expertise, your educational background, your current project, etc. Make it maximum of 200 words. We will display it on our website
Preferred username *
We will create an account for you using this username. Make sure it is:
1. One word, without space
2. Contains only alphanumerical characters

Example: jamessmith07
Do you have account on IPB University journal's OJS? *
In case you have already have an account, we will not create a new account. You can use your existing account. This form will be considered as our database
From the scale of 1 to 10, how busy are you? *
I have many free time
I am so busy
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