Courtenay and District Museum Survey
This survey has 14 questions and will take approximately 5-10 minutes 
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1. Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the following questions regarding your visit today on a scale of 1 to 5

 a scale of Very Unsatisfied (1) to Very Satisfied (5)
How was your visit to the museum today?
2. How likely are you to suggest visiting the museum to a friend or colleague? *
Not Likely
Very Likely

3. What kind of exhibit or event would you like to see at the museum?

4. What was the purpose of your visit? (please pick one)


5. How often do you visit the Courtenay and District Museum? 


6. Who are you visiting the museum with?


7.  Approximately how long did you spend in the museum during your visit today?


8.  Did you know about the Courtenay and District Museum before you visited?


9.  How did you hear about the Courtenay and District Museum?

10.  If you would like to provide your age:   (Optional)
11. Please pick the option that best describes where you are from. There may be some overlap but choose the one most accurate to you. If you live outside of Vancouver Island please provide your country and province / state below in the "Other" option
12. Are you planning on revisiting the museum this year?
13.   Do you know about either of our books Step into Wilderness or "Watershed Moments"?
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14. Do you have a membership to the Courtenay and District Historical Society?
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If you would like more information on how to buy a museum membership, please provide an email so that we may contact you
With a membership, you will receive notices about upcoming events and monthly on-line newsletters that are produced by the museum. As well, you’ll receive a 15% discount off most purchases in the museum Gift Shop.
If you would like to Subscribe to our monthly newsletter please provide your email here
Feel free to write any comments or concerns here:
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