Madison Area Fall HS Hat League Registration
High School Hat League is open to all participants who are in 9th-12th grade in the 2024-2025 school year.

We run High School Hat League as a USAU-Sanctioned League -- if you haven't registered on USAU we'll communicate additional steps to you after you fill out this form. More information is available here:

Mondays from 7:30-9:00 starting September 9th until October 25th at Burr Jones Park (1820 East Washington Avenue, Madison, WI).

All skill levels are welcome, we will work to balance teams as well as gender-matching ratios across the fields. There are coaches/chaperones available to provide tips and instruction if players desire.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name: *
Email: *
What gender-match do you typically prefer on the field? *
Preferred Pronouns
What high school do you attend? *
Baggage Password (Optional): If you want to be grouped with another player you and that player should chose the same baggage password and enter it here. (We do not guarantee baggage, but we will make an effort for at least one other person you wish to be paired with to be on your team).
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