Formal Methods in Railways
This survey is oriented to practitioners and academics with an interest in the application of formal and semi-formal methods to the development of railway systems. Our goal is to understand what is your experience in the application of formal and semi-formal methods in railways, and what are the main requirements that formal and semi-formal tools should have to be applied in the railway industry.
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The survey will take about 5 minutes of your time. The survey is part of the ASTRail EU Project, belonging to the Shift2Rail framework.
What is your affiliation? *
How many years of experience do you have in railways, as industrial practitioner or academic? *
How many years of experience do you have in formal or semi-formal methods/tools (for example: SCADE, Simulink, B/Event-B, NuSMV, SPIN, or others)? *
In how many industrial railway projects have you, or your team, used a formal or semi-formal method/tool? *
Which type of products did you, or your team, develop with the support of formal or semi-formal methods/tools?
For what phases did you, or your team, use the methods/tools?
What are the names of the methods/tools?
According to your opinion, what are the most relevant functionalities that formal/semi-formal tools should have to be used in the railway industry? (Select 3 options maximum) *
According to your opinion, what are the most relevant quality aspects that formal/semi-formal tools should have to be used in the railway industry? (Select 5 options maximum) *
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