
Procedure is simple. Enter your stuff. We'll check you out. Together with a few of our kickass partners we'll cherry pick the best of you and let you know in time.

Included if you win: two 5-days conference ticket to kickass mentoring, networking and the possibility to meet some of the best in the European VC-scene.

Hit it.

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Personal Stuff
First Name *
Surname *
Email *
Phone number *
Information on your startup
Company name *
Company website
Where is you startup based? *
When was your startup founded? *
Stage *
<= 100 words
Names and background of the team? *
Name – roll – age – background in < 50 words. Rinse and repeat.
Investors in board? *
Name – roll
Business Information
Description *
Describe your business in greater detail. (<100 words)
What's the problem you solve and how do you solve it? *
< 100 words
Who are your competitors? *
Please list the names of your competitors.
Describe how you are different to your competitors *
<100 words
Monetization strategy? *
Briefly describe how you plan to make money, i.e. advertising, subscription, transaction, freemium, etc. (<100 words)
Target market *
<100 words
Are you part of the creative industries (design, music, gaming, advertising, etc.)?  creativ wirtschaft austria / part of evolve by BMWFJ sponsors 10 startups from creative industries with an additional ticket to attend the STARTUP WEEK.
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