TRANZAC | Main Hall Request Form
Thank you for your interest in hosting your event at the Tranzac! Our staff team will review information submitted through this form and reply within 3-5 business days. A reminder that you should review venue information before submitting your request.

We reserve the right to cancel bookings where the content of an event has been misrepresented; in particular, we do not allow racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and other harmful/hateful language or conduct. Please refer to our code of conduct for additional information.
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Email *
Name (Primary Event Contact) *
Phone *
Event Date and Start Time (Preferred) *
Please factor in any time for loading in, setting up, and loading out at the end of your proposed event.
Event Date and End Time *
Is your event date flexible? *
Where applicable, include the name of a presenter, group/ensemble, festival, etc.
Event Name *
For a private event or rehearsal, this field can serve as a short description (ex. "[Band name], Rehearsal")
Is your event private or public *
Event Type *
Select all that apply
Is your event all-ages? *
If an all ages event includes alcohol service, you must provide wristbands and a person to distribute them. Some all ages events require extra security.
Will your request involve multiple consecutive days,  or a recurring booking? *
Event Description *
Please provide information about the nature and content of your event. We encourage you to include links to examples of your work.
Expected attendance *
Capacity information can be found on venue information pages
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