Bibbulmun Track: Hospitality to those departing and arriving
The Anglican Parish of Kalamunda-Lesmurdie (at the Northern Terminus) and the Anglican Parish of Albany (at the Southern Terminus) are offering hospitality to those departing and arriving upon the Bibbulmun Track. Many of those setting out on the Track do so with a spiritual intention, or in response to a major life event; and many of those arriving have deep feelings about their experience.

Use this form to arrange to meet with volunteers from either parish for a time of fellowship and sharing. Both parishes view this as an act of hospitality, which is freely offered.

We can't guarantee that we'll be able to meet you, but we will do our best! You will be contacted by a volunteer to confirm the date and time that you will be met.

Your details gathered on this form will be used only for the purposes of contacting you to arrange to meet, unless you indicate otherwise.
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Are you departing or arriving on the Track?
At what location do you wish to meet with volunteers?
What hospitality can we offer you?
What date would you like to be met?
What time would you like to be met?
What's your name?
What is your mobile number, so we can contact you to confirm arrangements?
Do you have anything else you'd like us to know?
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