FIRST LEGO League Workshop Registration  August 11 (Chesapeake, VA)
Workshop Schedule

 9:00 – 10:00 Introductory Presentation
10:00 – 12:00 Build NXTbot and practice programming
12:00 – 1:00  Lunch Break - Coaching/Mentoring Techniques Presentation*
 1:00 – 3:00  Practice programming with NXT / Individual Q & A

* We will present this part of the workshop during lunch, so bring your own lunch.

This workshop is FREE.

Please bring your NXT robot kit and a laptop with your NXT software installed, if possible.
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Coach Name *
First and Last Name
Coach Name
First and Last Name
Additional Adult (Mentor, Parent Helper, Etc.)
First and Last Name
Team Affiliation *
School Name, Club Name, Homeschool
City *
Experience with FIRST LEGO League *
How many team members are you bringing to this workshop to assist with programming? *
No more than two team members are allowed, please.
Primary Contact's E-mail Address *
A reminder and directions will be sent to this e-mail address.
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