Things of Internet: Complimentary Subscription For Students

Things of Internet is a weekly newsletter sent out by me, Chuck (Deepak Gopalakrishnan), every Saturday morning.

I write about and share interesting stuff I see across the web. Something a brand did, a kickass campaign, or an opinion on a major digital happening. I also share lots of interesting reads (marketing/branding/internet)and some fun stuff as well.

Things of Internet currently has close to 1000 subscribers, most of whom are from marketing, design, and branding - but also has many people who are just generally interested and curious. This is not meant to be a digital marketing newsletter per se. Think of it as "interesting stuff around the web".

It'll be insightful / useful / fun. Hopefully all three!

The newsletter is priced at ₹400 (yearly) / ₹2500 (lifetime), but I make it free for students! You will get the exact same content, at the same time. This will remain free till the end of the academic year in which you graduate. If you'd be interested in receiving this, please fill out the form below.

If you'd like to see a few samples:

This newsletter is run by Deepak 'Chuck' Gopalakrishnan. Say hi!

PS: I am not verifying / asking for ID or anything. So I'm operating on an honour system here. If you're not a student, please don't abuse this system - paying subscribers gives me the freedom to be able to do this. If you're not a student, please consider subscribing at the below link, it's just ₹400 a year :)
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Your name *
The email ID on which you'd like to receive this newsletter (personal ID preferred over college ID as you might lose access to the latter post graduation) *
Your university / college / school *
Which year do you graduate? This newsletter will remain free till the end of the calendar year in which you graduate. *
Not a student?
No problem! You can purchase a subscription, it's just ₹400 a year :)
You can do that here:
Optional: Anything you want to tell me. What you expect, have we met before, what your favourite music is, anything at all, really!
A few points
. You'll continue to receive the newsletter for free till the end of the calendar year (eg: You graduate in Mar 2024, you'll get this newsletter for free till Dec 2024, with an option to renew if you like).

- Your information is completely safe with me, and resides on a Google Doc which I've backedup with 2-step authentication and all that. It will never be sold or used for anything other than sending you the newsletter and related material, and will never be sold / harvested / monetized.

- Student = student of any educational course. You could be in school, college, university, Bschool, PhD, anything. Don't say 'student of life'. That's cheating.

- Honour system here. I'm not going to ask you for proof of education and all that :) I'm doing this to reach a new audience, and get feedback from 'outside my bubble'. I genuinely hope it's useful for you!
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