Test Quiz: Environmental Science(EVS 101) B.Tech. CSE/CHE/ECE  IV Sem
Total Question  10                                  Time 15  minutes

Attempt all the question, Each question carries equal Marks

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1 point
1.Environment means the –------------------ and ---------------------- components surrounding man  as well as other living organisms.(
1 point
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2, The Major Green House Gases are
1 point
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3.Atmosphere layer of Environment  contain
1 point
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4.During Photosynthesis Plants take up ..............
1 point
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5, Respiration process  involve
1 point
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6.  Which of the following is a highly exploited natural resource?
1 point
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7.Only ------------------ % of total water resources is available for human use
1 point
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8.Ozone depletion is caused by
1 point
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9.  The most important reason for decrease in biodiversity is
1 point
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10..  Ozone layer is found in
1 point
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