Why do you want to be evaluated for the Extended Learning Program (ELP), and what do you want to get out of the program? *
Your answer
What do you feel are your strongest areas or special talents? *
Your answer
What three adjectives would you use to describe yourself? *
Your answer
If you could learn from anyone, past or present, whom would you choose? Why? *
Your answer
If you took the ELP elective, what projects/activities might you like to develop? *
Your answer
What do you do in your spare time? What hobbies and special interests do you have? *
Your answer
Describe a personal accomplishment that made you feel proud and capable. *
Your answer
List a teacher (current or previous) who would support your nomination for ELP. What classwork or attitudes did you display that they can discuss with us? *
Your answer
What else should we know about you? *
Your answer
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