MiSTEM -Cereal City Science Application
Website: https://cerealcityscience.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4uaUBhC8ARIsANUuDjXkUq7hT7WQTWupU4Xpwq4J8bm_veDcxlhpDoQaF_hmAHc45rkemIQaAmL9EALw_wcB

Why Cereal City Science?
We believe tomorrow’s leaders can be found in math and science classrooms all over the country. By challenging students to take on the roles of scientists and engineers, we help them to develop the creative, critical, and analytical thinking skills that will open a world of opportunity.

This is an application process - applications are due September 16, 2024. Sessions are limited to 20 participants per session. Applicants will be notified by September 23, 2024, if their application has been accepted and will receive final registration instructions/Zoom link. 
A complimentary Teacher Guide will be sent to your school for each unit you that have registered.

MSLNG2 - Body Systems for Growth and Repair is now available for pre-order with an expected materials ship date in October. All middle school purchases (excluding organism codes) are eligible for a 10% discount now through June 6, 2025.

Contact Timeka Wells (email: twells@bcamsc.org or phone: 269-213-3907) with questions about teacher guides or to order materials.

SCECHs will be available. 

Through a MiSTEM Advisory Council Grant, we are offering a series of grant-funded Professional Learning Sessions for educators of grades 6 - 8. Sessions include:

FALL 2024
  • MSLNG1 - Stability and Change in an Ecosystem: October 3, October 15,  2024
  • MSLNG2 - Body Systems for Growth and Repair: October 11, October 18,  2024
These are two day, online trainings; each session runs from 8:30am - 3:00 pm

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Role (chose one) *
Which MiSTEM Region are you located in (if working across several MiSTEM Regions, in which Region is the training being held/sponsored)? *
What Intermediate School District or County is your school associated with? (if you are a community partner, what County do you represent?) *
School district in which you work? (if not a Teacher or Administrator - which District do you Reside in?) *
Name of the School building in which you work? (if not a Teacher or Administrator, what Organization do you represent?) *
PIC# (if Teacher or Administrator) (NA if you do not have a PIC - if you need to look it up, it can be found in your MOECS Account. https://mdoe.state.mi.us/MOECS/login.aspx) *
What grade-levels are you responsible for (select all that apply)? *
If you are a teacher - Approximately how many students do you teach? (put NA if you are not directly interacting with students) *
Do you already use some of the Cereal City Curriculum? *
If you do not already use the curriculum and are checking it out, are you planning to teach it for the first time next school year?  *
Please indicate each workshop or workshops that you would like to apply for from the list below. These workshops are two- day, online trainings; each session runs from 8:30am - 3:00 pm  *
Briefly describe why you would like to attend this workshop? *
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