Special Events - New Family Needs
I'm so excited to be offering various events throughout the year so please check back for more! 
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Email *
Parent Name(s), Parent preferred pronouns.  *
Parent Phone Number(s) 
(please include for follow up details in case emails go to spam etc.).  

Baby's Name(s) and Gender(s) (if you wish to share)
Baby's Birthdate (or Estimated Due Date)
How did you hear about the event? 
(If someone referred you, please share their name so I can thank them!)
Which event will you be joining? *
Promo Code:
I agree to pay the $18 per adult entry fee for the Create Art with Baby event on October 18th or December 6th, 2024. 

(Once off the waitlist, $50 per family for the Starting Solids Workshop, $75 per family for the CPR Workshop) 

Zelle - hilary@newfamilyneeds.com 

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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