Iris Malcolm Library - Patron Account Form
Welcome and thank you for your interest in becoming a patron at the Iris Malcolm Library -York Region's first, and only, Africentric library.

The Iris Malcolm Library is made possible by the many contributions and donations from our community. We thank all our donors for their gift of learning.

Please Note: If you are a member of the Newmarket African Caribbean Canadian Association, you may access the library and all resources free of charge. If you are not a NACCA member, there is a minimal cost of $2 to check-out items from the library. This small fee will assist to cover damage and/or lost items as this is a fine-free library.

Once registered, your Patron ID will be sent to the the email provided.  Your patron ID allows you to access our online catalogue to place books on hold, and check-in and check-out titles.
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Informed Consent
I AGREE and consent to use my personal information (name, email, phone) to setup a patron account for the purpose of accessing the Iris Malcolm Library which allows me to check-in and check-out books and other media from the library.
First and Last Name  *
Is this patron account for you? *
Where are you located?
If you are activating an account for someone else, for example children, list all with First and Last Name below. You may list up to 4 patrons. Send us an Email if more than 4 is required.
Email (list for all patrons) *
Phone (list for all patrons) *
Are you a NACCA Member *
Click here for information about membership if you would like to become a member.
How did you hear about the Iris Malcolm Library? *
By clicking 'Submit', you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy
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