Missouri S&T Equinox and Wellness Fair 2022
Join the Provost Office for the second annual Equinox Event. This year's event will include a well-being fair which will showcase campus organizations that help students succeed.

Date: September 22, 2022

Set-up: 3-5 PM

Time: 5-9 PM

Place: Outside the Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose building in the designated areas

Details: Participants will visit booths and learn more about S&T resources. Around 7:50 PM we will celebrate the Equinox.

Convocation will be held from 5:30 – 6:50 PM in the
Gibson Arena of the Gale Bullman Building. We will offer free popcorn, snow cones, and cotton candy and are trying to arrange other food.

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What is your full name? *
What is your university email?
What office/division/unit are you representing?
We will provide each group with a 6 foot table and two chairs. All other items (table staffing, canopy, table cloths, signage and decorations) must be provided by you. Set-up is from 3:00-5:00pm. If you do not need a table please let us know below.
Please provide a description of your booth, any games or activities that will be taking place, and giveaways you'll be providing to participants. Please make sure all information is relevant to the theme of the event. 
Do you need electricity at your booth? Electricity is limited and will be assigned in order of response. 
What will the electricity be used for?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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