Your email will not be used for marketing purposes. We will follow up with you to see how we can support you in becoming plastic free.
First Name *
Your answer
Last Name *
Your answer
Business Name *
Your answer
I pledge to... (select all that apply) *
Please share any other sustainable practices your restaurant is applying within your business.
Your answer
I would like someone from the Eau Claire County to come and meet with me to evaluate my restaurant(s) and what practices we can improve to reduce waste.
Clear selection
Are you okay with your business being featured on the JONAH-ETF website and social media? If yes, please email us your logo to *
Would you like a complimentary table tent that reads, "We took a pledge to reduce single use plastics. You too can take the pledge!" We will provide 8 complimentary table tents, you can purchase additional ones for $2/each. *
How did you hear about the Plastic-Free EC Restaurant pledge?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.