Inland German Shepherds                                      Puppy Application
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Full name *
Phone number    999-999-9999 *
Email address *
Home address (Street, City, State, Zip) *
House or apartment *
Kids yes or no, if yes what ages *
Do you have any other pets, if yes what kind *
Pick of the litter *
Drive preference *
Gender preference *
Color preference *
Captionless Image
For pet or breeding *
Will you spay or neuter the dog? *
Have you ever owned a GSD before? If not have you researched the breed and it's exercise and mental stimulation requirements? *
Do you know & understand the difference between Show Line and Working Line German Shepherds? *
Will you Crate or Kennel train the puppy? *
How will you be training the puppy? *
How many hours a day will the puppy be alone? *
Will you be taking your puppy/dog to Dog Parks or Doggy Day Care? *
What activities will you be doing with the dog? Check all that apply. *
How did you hear about us? *
$500 Non-Refundable Puppy deposit.  You will be placed on waiting list ONLY after your deposit is received.  Please select payment method: *
Do you have a Puppy name in mind?  ex. (Max Von Inland GSD) *
Any Questions or Comments
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