Application: ReWild / South Fork: 2024 Summer Program to Fight Hunger & Climate Change
The Summer Program is now accepting applications from high school students who would like to foster biodiversity, climate resilience and food security. Program components include gardening for pollinators, native gardening, identifying natives and invasive plants, farming to benefit food-insecure community members, composting and recycling as well as advocacy and community outreach. 

Applicants will be accepted until we have filled our spots. 
Interviews start around May 15.

Got questions or feedback? 

Email *
Name *
Your Mobile Number *
So we can text or WhatsApp if all other contact does not work.
Home Address *
Parent or Guardian Name *
Parent Contact Phone Number *
Parent Email *
What are your pronouns?
School *
Grade in Fall 2024 *
Intern or Volunteer? *
You can apply to be a student intern or a student volunteer:

  • Complete at least 60 hours of work (including training)
  • Stipend of $300
  • Certificates after successful completion
  • Complete at least 30 hours of work (including training)
  • Certificates after successful completion
  • Recommended for those who cannot make the more rigorous time commitments that internships require
The activities you are most interested in are...  *
Might you like to start early, before the official June 25th start date?
The ReWIld Table at Spring Farmers Market needs folks who can help with social media (FB, Insta & YouTube), email blasts, developing educational handouts and a bunch of other materials
As well as you input on this new project. Much of this prep work can be done remotely, when it fits into your schedule. 
Clear selection
Why are you interested in this internship?  
What do expect from the program and what you would like to learn this summer? 
Is there something we should cover that would help you a project you have in mind or are working on?
(A few words or sentences are fine .)
Personal Traits: Is this you? *
Not me
Sometimes me
Definitely me
I am an organized person.
I pay attention to detail.
I come through on my commitments.
I maintain a calendar or a to-do list.
I speak up in group settings (e.g. classroom, projects,...)
I enjoy meeting new people.
I am a creative person.
I am passionate about social/environmental issues.
I follow instructions carefully.
I organize group activities (e.g. parties, clubs,...)
I am an activist.
Have you checked out the locations?  *
Please check out this page before you apply - Summer Program 2024: South Fork main page
How are you planning to get to meeting locations? *
Are you here the entire summer from Saturday, June 24 to Tuesday, August 29?  *
If you have plans for some portion of the time, please let us know — choose the "Other" option and describe your "away" time with the number of weeks you are away.
If you know the dates you will be away, please fill them in below:
Will you participate in the program during the fall from Tuesday, September 3 to Saturday, September 28? *
Are you planning to have a summer job?
So we can work with you on juggling schedules  :  )
Clear selection
Are you available for the Weekly Zoom sessions on Saturdays 3-4pm during the Summer session? *
Are you interested in earning Community Service Credit for your participation in the Summer program? *
To beat the heat and to get enough sleep, what is the ideal morning start time for you? *
To beat the heat and make it home for dinner, what is the ideal afternoon start time for a 2-2.5 hour session? *
Which days and times work for you? *
Please pick all that apply.
Saturday (in addition to 3-4pm Zoom)
Do you have access to WhatsApp? *
It's an easy way to message a group. We are hoping to use it as well as SignUp Genius for scheduling.
Are you into photography or video or journalism or digital storytelling or social media? *
A big part of advocacy is producing images and stories that ignite peoples' interest. So, how can you translate your summer experiences and learnings into media that will educate and inspire people who don't have the opportunity to participate in this summer program...?
Describe any interests or experiences you may have had that are relevant to this opportunity.  (A few bullets or sentences would be great.)
Don't worry if you're just starting out. 
  • If you have nature/gardening experience, let us know. 
  • If you have photog or social media skills, these can be useful too.
  • Are there any limitations that might interfere with your participation? 
Anything else we should know?
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