Our Town is a community civics program facilitated by the Sudbury HIstorical Society that promotes a better understanding of the history and function of local government. It will take place twice a month outside of school hours beginning in October. Throughout the 2018/2019 academic year, participants will:

* Learn about the history of town meeting and local democratic practices
* Discuss the purpose and function of town government with local town employees and represtatives
* Select an issue of concern, draft an article for submission to the Town Warrant, and market the the article to the community.
* Participate in a mock Town Meeting for the purposes of debating and voting on the selected warrant issue.

Students interested in participating should submit the application below. Program is limited to 12 students. Program fee for selected participants is $100. (To inquire about need-based scholarships, please contact Katina Fontes at president@sudbury01776.org .)

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First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
Phone Number
Email Address *
School in which you are enrolled? *
Are you currently in the 8th grade? *
What is the name of your current history or social studies teacher? *
Are you generally available during the following days/times? (Please check all that apply. Actual meeting days and times will be selected based on student availability.) *
Are you able to provide your own transportation to Sudbury Town Hall for participation in the program?
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Do you enjoy learning about history?
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Would you like to learn more about Sudbury History?
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Would you like to learn more about local government?
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Have you ever attended or viewed a town government meeting (Board of Selectmen, Town Meeting, Committee meetings)?
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What is a local issue that concerns you?
Tell us a little about why you want to participate in this program (one or two short paragraphs). *
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