RMS - Volunteer Hours 2023-24

If you have volunteered at RMS in any capacity this past year, we want to know! 

Please take a minute or two to fill out the form below. This form will be accessible to you until the end of the year - if you prefer to add your hours each time you volunteer, you are welcome to do so.  I will send out another request for updates as we near the end of the school year if you prefer to batch enter your hours.

PTO events, chaperoning dances, guest speaking, Robotics coaching, teacher appreciation-- please log anything where you've volunteered your time to the school!

Recordable hours include prep time, travel time, and time at an event. Estimating is OK!
Thank you to everyone who has been able to volunteer so far this year!
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Email *
First Name
Last Name
This form is for Richmond Middle School volunteer hours only.   *
For each space, please write in approximate date(s) followed by # hours of service and the name of the activity.
#1 Date| Hours | Activity 
#2 Date| Hours | Activity 
#3 Date| Hours | Activity 
#4 Date| Hours | Activity 
#5 Date| Hours | Activity 
#6 Date| Hours | Activity 
Thank you so much for your time!  Please send any questions to our Volunteer Coordinator at tealparker@sau70.org.  
Thank you!
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