Evaluation, Edinburgh CJ workshop, 17/4/2018
This form is designed to capture your individual feedback about today's workshop. We'd also like to stay in touch to ask occasional questions and provide updates about the ongoing development of the Climate Just tool - please leave us your email address if you're happy to participate, which will be held by the project team at the University of Manchester and only used for this purpose.
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Your email address
Overall, how helpful did you find this event? *
Not helpful
Very hlepful
By how much has today's event increased your knowledge and understanding of climate justice? *
How confident do you now feel in using the Climate Just website and map tool? *
What's the most useful thing you have learned today? *
Which aspects of Climate Just are likely to be most useful in practice? *
How are you most likely to use Climate Just in practice? *
Please add in any further comments you wish to make about how useful the workshop has been, what you plan to use it for and any requests for further training or support.
Thank you, we hope you've found today worthwhile and enjoyable
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