Glynn County Schools Transportation for School Bus Request for 2024-2025

To create the most efficient routes for transporting students to and from school, we are asking that families sign up for transportation.

Please make sure your address is current in Infinite Campus. Our routing software uses the information in that system to schedule stops.  We are not able to provide transportation to students who are Out of Zone or in the Walk Zone.

If you completed a form last year AND have not moved, you do not need to complete this request.

We ask for your understanding in the time it may take to plan for changes to your transportation. Our staff will work to make the changes as quickly as possible (sometimes it updates overnight and other situations require multiple steps that could take a few days).  Contact your school for completed transportation information.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please Note: If your child rode the bus during the 2023-2024 school year AND you have not moved, you do not need to complete a form for 2024-2025.
Best phone numbers to call if we have questions
First and last name of person completing form *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student's PIN Number *
School assigned for 2024 - 2025
Grade level for 2024 - 2025
Will your child ride to and from home address in Infinite Campus and school listed on this form? *
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