so i forced you to watch conclave (2024) and am now forcing you to do a post-viewing survey

⭐responses are optional and anonymized (unless you opt-in), so please feel free to skip questions!⭐

edward berger also directed AMC's the terror s1 e01, 02, and 04, so please go watch for more old man yaoi!

for legal reasons: this is unofficial and unaffiliated with the novel, the film, or the vatican
when did you see conclave
did you read the book beforehand?
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did you see the trailer beforehand?
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why did you watch this movie?
if you have read the book, was there an adaptation/change that the film made that surprised you (can be positive or negative)?
what was the most interesting part of the movie for you?
did you, at any point, think this would become a pope murder mystery?
who did you think would become pope?
which moment got the loudest laugh from you/r audience?
favourite shot/scene/sequence in the film? did you have a favourite transition?
was there an especially great moment in sound design, location, costuming, or props for you?
favourite line reading or character choice by an actor/actress?
what did you think about cardinal lawrence: did you ever suspect him of having a secret/ulterior motives at any point? your thoughts on his crisis of faith/issues with prayer?
what was your first impression of cardinal benitez, and then throughout the film?
who was the biggest diva and why
what did you think cardinal tremblay's grievous sin would be?
do you believe cardinal tremblay that the late pope asked him to request the transfer?
Who do you think Adeyemi voted for in the immediate election (and subsequent ones) after his confrontation with Shanumi and Lawrence?
how did the "are we reduced to voting for the least worst option" / "i feel like im at an american political convention" land with your audience?
were you expecting the sistine chapel bombing? did you think it was a dream sequence at first? etc
what raced through your mind when when they said "it wasn't a hospital. it was a clinic"
are there any questions you still have that the movie didn't resolve for you?
who bottoms
we're going to elect a pope from this survey. who are you casting your vote for?
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any other thoughts/comments/questions you had after the film? and any additional feedback? or questions you would like me to add to this survey? otherwise, thank you so much for sharing your opinions and taking the time to complete this!!!
do you want to be part of the conclave discord (POPE CRAVE) to join us in future fandom/collaborative projects (i'm thinking a tarot deck after our zine is wrapped!)? if so, pls leave a good e-mail or discord handle for me to get in touch in this response! (NOTE: this survey does NOT log your e-mail to your response, so if you don't type out your e-mail below, I have no means of contacting you!)

(please make sure you check your spam e-mail inbox or have friend requests temporarily turned on on discord, thank you!)

You can follow PopeCrave:
On Twitter here: @ClubConCrave
On Tumblr here: ClubConCrave
On BlueSky here: @ClubConCrave

(Disclaimer: This Discord is primarily a space for contributors, not a general or NSFW fandom space! If you are seeking a general Conclave fandom space, this is not the one!)

all proceeds of zine sales benefit the intersex human rights fund, the freedom fund, and librarians and archivists with palestine 🤍
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