Class 6 Maths PRACTICE PAPER 02
CLASS : 6                                  SUBJECT: MATHS                 
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1) A ………………. is a collection of numbers gathered to give some information. *
1 point
2) What is the amount of surface enclosed by a closed figure called? *
1 point
3) Area of a rectangle is : *
1 point
4)Perimeter of the equilateral triangle is : *
1 point
5)Area of a Square is *
1 point
6) In a Mathematics test, the following marks were obtained by 40 students. How many students obtained marks below 4? *
1 point
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7) Following pictograph shows the number of tractors in five villages. Which village has the maximum number of tractors? *
1 point
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8) Find the perimeter of the following figure *
1 point
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9) The perimeter of a regular hexagon ___ *
1 point
10) Find the side of the square whose perimeter is 20 m *
1 point
11) Find the areas of the rectangles whose sides are  3 cm and 4 cm *
1 point
12) The bar graph given alongside shows the amount of wheat purchased by government during the year 1998-2002.Read the bar graph and write down your observations. In which year was(a) the wheat production maximum? *
1 point
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13) The bar graph given alongside shows the amount of wheat purchased by government during the year 1998-2002.Read the bar graph and write down your observations. In which year was the wheat production minimum? *
1 point
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14)A survey of 120 school students was done to find which activity they prefer to do in their free time.  Which activity is preferred by most of the students other than playing? *
1 point
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15) Perimeter of a Square is *
1 point
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