BYSSI Math Enrichment Summer Program 2022
The Black Youth School Initiative (BYSSI) brings together Black-led agencies, community organizations, and schools in both the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Peel District School Board to support Black students. Our goal is to support approximately 500 Black children and youth in grades 6-8 and for all four years of high school over a five-year period to achieve graduation rates on par with the regional average.

We are excited to announce that we will be piloting a math enrichment program this summer.

Students in Grade 8 and will be attending high school next school year

Students in Grade 9 that could benefit from review of Grade 8 fundamental math concepts/ the Grade 9 course material

Identifies as Black, African, and/or Caribbean`

Priority will be given to BYSSI students.

Since this is a pilot program we will be working with a small group of 10-15 youth. We hope that their feedback will allow for us to make the necessary improvements that will allow for us to facilitate a larger cohort.
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Student Name *
Student Contact Email:
School Name:
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Parent/Caregiver Name:
Parent Contact #
Parent/Caregiver Email:
What Days do you prefer to meet? (Example: Monday Evening, Saturday Morning) *
What would be your preferred days to meet? (Example: Monday Morning, Tuesday Evening) *
Which math unit did you learn from the most?
Which math unit did you have most difficulty with? *
What are you looking to get out of the Math Enrichment Program? *
What was your math mark on your last progress report? Or what is your estimated current grade average in math? *
Any other additional information
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