IYC Room Booking Request Form
Hello there!

Welcome to the Immigrant Youth Centre booking request form. We are accepting room booking requests for May, 2022 and onwards. At this time, we are only offering bookings for non-profit organizations and CICS trusted agencies to book our space to use.

Please also note that this form is NOT a confirmation that you have successfully booked the room. Once this form has been completed, we will contact you as soon as we can to approve your request and inquire with you on the room booking request.

Currently we are booking two spaces:

1. Our Studio Room for external partners to take photographs and do projects with our amazing green screen

2. Our Activity Room, which has built in mirrors on the wall for you to run that perfect program. If not, it can also be a good space for you to run an activity or meeting!

Our opening hours are from 10:00 AM to 6:00PM. Please choose a time within our operation hours.
Please note that you need to book the room per day!

If you have any questions or concerns about room booking, please feel free to contact our staff at:

infoiyc@cicscanada.com or weilin.ouyang@cicscanada.com 
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What is your organization name? *
Which day will you plan to book the room? (We are accepting room booking requests from external agencies for May, 2022 and onwards) *
What time will you start using the room? *
What time will you stop using the room? *
Which room would you like to book? *
Please provide a quick description on what your organization will use the room for *
Please provide us with an email address and phone number that we can contact you through to inquire with you about this booking request! *
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