Proof of View (PoV) Marker Tokens: Blockchain Migration Consultation
If you haven't yet read our previous consultation results, we highly recommend doing so. Gain insights into the "why" and "how" behind our decisions and understand the context for this second round of consultation by visiting our blog post.

The redistribution of our Proof of View (PoV) Marker tokens to a new blockchain is under review. These tokens, essential for moving advertising campaign data within the VeraViews ad stack, are currently under the same contract as circulating VRA, and while they do not contribute to circulating supply, their presence has impact on our tokenomics and investor outlook.

As we investigate potential blockchain ecosystems, considering aspects like stability, ease of use, brand awareness, transaction speed and scalability, your feedback will be crucial in ensuring our chosen blockchain not only optimizes the functionality of PoV Marker tokens but also aligns with our community’s expectations.

We invite you to take part in this consultation, lending your perspectives and expertise as we collectively steer the future direction of Verasity, VRA, and PoV Marker tokens. Your input in to this process is highly appreciated, and will help us choose blockchain ecosystems that are trusted and have a high network effect.

This form is mainly intended for those with some degree of technical knowledge on blockchain layer-1 solutions, including representatives of blockchain protocols that may wish to assist us in the migration of PoV tokens. If you're a community member who has a favourite layer-1 blockchain you think we should explore, you're also welcome to fill out this form. Verasity's development team is already in discussions with several layer-1 solutions for PoV migration, however this form will assist us in ensuring we're making the right decisions and not missing any promising ecosystems which may suit our requirements better.

Note: This form is completely anonymous and we welcome contributions from our global community; grammar and spelling will not diminish the value of your feedback.
Do you work for / are involved in the development of a blockchain layer 1 solution? If you do, please state which one and include how we can reach you to discuss further. If not, please move to the next question.
Excluding Ethereum, which layer 1 blockchain do you believe would be an ideal fit for PoV Marker tokens?
How secure do you find your suggested blockchain for transactions and data storage, and why?
How stable is your suggested blockchain? Think about any incidents of double spending, chain downtime, etc.  *
Very Stable
Why do you believe your suggested blockchain would be an ideal fit for PoV Marker tokens?
How would you rate the scalability of your suggested blockchain in handling high transaction volumes?
Unsatisfactory - [Suggested Blockchain] demonstrates minimal scalable capabilities, significantly struggling with high transaction volumes.
Excellent - [Suggested Blockchain] exemplifies exceptional scalability, effortlessly managing high transaction volumes with superior efficiency.
How would you evaluate the transaction speed (TPS) of your suggested blockchain and how does it compare to other chains?
How would you assess the cost-effectiveness of making transactions on your suggested blockchain?
How widely adopted is your suggested blockchain globally, and what makes it popular or not? Please discuss it's ease of use and supporting infrastructure (e.g. supported Web3 wallets). 
How large is the community of your suggested blockchain?
What aspects do you think we should consider to ensure a smooth transition of PoV Marker tokens to a new blockchain without disrupting our commercial operations and valued token holders?  
If you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding the move of PoV Marker tokens to a new blockchain, please share them below.
Every piece of feedback will be read. Please be respectful and constructive. Spelling and grammar won’t impact the value of your feedback; we welcome insights from our entire global community.
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