Arrowhead Fire PD Email Notification System Form
The Arrowhead Fire Protection District is a separate governmental entity (municipality) of the state and county that has a myriad of statutory responsibilities; including the levying of taxes for the purpose of providing fire protection to the residents of a particular area, in this case the Arrowhead Fire District.  Therefore, the Arrowhead Fire Protection District is responsible for setting up its own notification data base in order to disseminate vital information to the members within its own fire district.

In an effort to communicate and expedite vital State, County and community fire safety information and critical alerts to the many property owners and residents within our Arrowhead Fire Protection District (AFPD), the AFPD Board of Directors has established an Email Blast Notification System.  To ensure that property owners and residents receive these critical alerts and information with possible emergencies and evacuations, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you sign up to the Arrowhead Fire Protection District EMAIL NOTIFICATION SYSTEM.
Please take a moment to fill in the appropriate information below, to be notified by the Arrowhead Fire Protection District (AFPD) and Volunteer Fire Department (AVFD), in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. This Notification Blast system is confidential and only for owners & residents within Arrowhead Fire Protection District.

You have the ability to remove your name from our mailing list at any time.

Thank you,
Arrowhead Fire Protection District (AFPD)

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Arrowhead Street Address *
The Arrowhead street address you submit will be verified before the Arrowhead Fire PD Notification emails can be sent.  
Thank you for submitting your request to join the  Arrowhead Fire PD Notification System.  Please approve this email to avoid emails going to your Spam/Junk box. You will receive an email from Google Forms confirming your submission.
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