Mizucon  - Volunteer Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the Mizucon Volunteer Team (Fanatees!), and for donating your time! This application will be reviewed by the Department Head of Volunteering to evaluate your skills and interest in reference to volunteering. Note that although this form is designed to schedule volunteers at the con itself, we have events around the community at other times. You're welcome to contact our head of volunteers at volunteers@animeiwai.com to discuss other opportunities year-round!

Volunteers are a dedicated group of individuals who perform various tasks to help keep the convention running smoothly. You are expected to show up on time and do what is asked of you, within reason, without complaint. Please be friendly and polite to our Mizucon STAFF, all convention attendees and behave in a professional manner when representing Mizucon.

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How old will you be, by the time of the convention? *
Mizucon is currently only accepting applications for volunteers 18 and older.
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