Tangle coronavirus poll #3
Every month or so, I try to take polls to get a clearer picture about who is reading Tangle and what they think. I often share that polling data back with my readers. This is the third poll I've taken in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the seventh Tangle poll ever, and I plan to poll my readers more frequently going forward.
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Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Donald Trump is handling his response to the coronavirus?
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Have you or someone you know been infected with the novel coronavirus?
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Have you or someone you know lost their job or faced reducing working hours because of coronavirus?
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What is your current political party affiliation?
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Are you currently employed?
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What is your approximate annual salary?
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What is your approximate annual salary?
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How close to where you live is the nearest supermarket?
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As I continue to grow Tangle, one thing I plan to do is launch a website to promote the newsletter. Right now,  every newsletter and my About page lives on www.tangle.substack.com, which is a long URL and name to tell people. I am choosing between a few URL/website names, but have to take into account how much it would cost to buy or acquire them. These are some options below, and I'm curious about what you would do if you were in my position?
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Tangle has been and will always be about improving the relationship between readers and the political content they consume. Every Tangle poll ends with an opportunity to leave some open-ended feedback, and I read every comment that comes in. If you have any thoughts about how to improve the newsletter, or something you want to see more or less of, feel free to let me know here.
These polls are anonymous, but if you want me to be able to respond to your feedback personally (which I will do!) you can leave your email here:
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